Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yodevaveh...Yoda to His friends

I've been thinking about how to continue and I put a large chunk of effort into my second post. When I tried to publish, however, I got a message about a bad url.....and couldn't retrieve the body of text. I was gutted. I am kind of thinking that although I was happy to publish the last entry, now, thanks to a, perhaps serendipitous, quirk of electronic miscommunication, I am forced to rethink the content...was it meant to be? I couldn't recite the entry word for word but perhaps it was ill-conceived, yes it's all irrelevant anyway. It was about how we think and the concept of original thought...all that Descartes malarkey thrown in for good measure, cognito ergo sum and that kind of thing.

Then I meandered to a point that I feel I should go over again for my piece of mind. It was all along the lines of the Essence of God and nirvana, or heaven or the happy hunting ground or the time between times, call it what you will...but the fact that there are so many names is indicative of the saturation of the idea across continents and cultures.

Clearly the fear of death is a powerful feeling and the gift of abstraction is a complex variable, add to this the incomprehension of the natural world and you would come up with a way to explain it, probably. And the explanation would be singular, at first, but as you struggled to attribute all of the unknown to one entity (lets call it God, for want of a better word) God would have to be expanded to encompass your greater understanding, perhaps even becoming gods. Yes I am well aware that this hardly constitutes original thought, but that is actually what I'm having difficulty with. To the chase then... anthropomorphic personification I think its called, Thor is the God of Thunder because I don't understand how thunder happens, therefore, I might as well accept a personality is responsible and a god is born, and a lot is owed to Terry Pratchett for helping me understand this. Godhood is diluted and in theory anything is now possible. So we have gods for everything including the god of soggybreadcruststhatislippedoncausingmetospilltodaysmilkonthefloor.

People need stuff 'boxed off' and it is difficult for an inquisitive mind to rest at the point "I don't know". We formulate theories that can neither be proved or disproved to explain experience. And we still do this, people claim to understand how money works but conceptually it is actually quite difficult to comprehend, and so for the vast majority of us, myself included, money is a god. We pray for it to come into our lives, no? do you do the lottery, have a flutter, invest in futures...it's one and the same thing actually, isn't it?

The one thing I cannot bring myself to say is that God does not exist, I have no rational argument for it's existence but I was raised a catholic and that is a difficult doctrine to rid myself of...but I am working on it. I think the confirmed Christians would probably argue that I cannot shake this belief because God is real. And fair play to them, if you want to live out the sensations remaining to you in the service of Jesus, good for you...not much fun though is it? Christianity has a very preventative philosophy, avoid the places where you think you may find 'evil' (as defined by us) and try to allow Jesus to work through you.

God, according to your scripture, created evil though...so what is it for if not to enjoy as one of His creations, or at least accept it as a part of existence. See, if you look at this from a non-reverential point of view, the christian God is more than a little mischievous. First of all YHWH (yodevaveh) creates a being that is in discord with his own wishes, gives Him something to have anxiety around I suppose, His motivational factor, perhaps. Then He banishes it to a realm that has free access to the people he has created in the garden of Eden. Who, incidentally, he also created but decided to not have them subservient. Maybe a lesson was learned with Lucifer, after a supposedly subservient seraph led a rebellion with fully one third of the heavenly host. But then, all-knowing isn't capable of learning is it?

Now i have no reverence for the devil, because i don't believe in that either. However, it illustrates the fallibility of the infallible God and begs questions of a rational mind. I called Him the Christian God but He isn't is He? He is the God of the Jews and if you look into it He is actually the God of the Jews only. The world is divided into Jews and Gentiles isn't it, OK so most Jews accept that Christians are not Gentiles but God never said so did he. I'm sure Jesus quotes could be thrown at me but that makes the assumption that Jesus was indeed the son of God and therefore capable of rescinding His word.

Then again how can a God that instructs the Jews to take possession of land from an established people, then claim to be a God of love (More changing of the Deific mind eh....would that be proof of Gods femininity.)

Sadly if you don't accept the triple God Christian model, and there are some who would urge you not too, you are left with the bearded, scary, Egyptian murdering, Homophobic, generally genocidal Old Testament chap. Care to spend eternity in His company?

Mr. Pat


Anonymous said...

I too find it hard saying 'I don't believe in God', but the fact is I don't. I just find it hard saying it, like I'm tempting fate or something. Have you read The God Delusion?

Anonymous said...

Following on from Marie - apparently there is a backlash against the author of The God Delusion with the publication of The Dawkins' Delusion.

Anyway, I have faith there is no God.

Anonymous said...

The battle to integrate the church and the lab is continuing.