Thursday, December 15, 2011

Each Minute Is Worth a Priceless Gem

Time relates to your frame of reference. It feels like a long time since the last post. It isn't, it just feels that way. Just like the old expression ‘a watched kettle never boils’ - I have conducted several experiments on this basis and every single one proves the saying wrong.

Or do they?

See, the pedantic thinkers will say that the kettle never boils, the water contained within the kettle reaches boiling point, but the kettle will not eventually sublimate. So the saying is true on a level. As discussed previously, everything is like this. It isn’t just the language and the application of the language (or perhaps manipulation) but all of it. Perspective is a wonderful tool.

I could simply argue that the realisation of past posts has led me to conclude that you probably don’t need much guidance to work things out. That would be the end of the matter. No need to continue with a broad assessment of past and existing faith based systems.

Anyone saying ‘Yey’ at this point, I may have to smite.

If I were your thought process, your conscience, would I be able to lie to you? Well yes, yes I would. When completing a task or making a decision that is unpleasant; we categorise the requirement for the action to be more valid or significant than the impact of that task or decision. This must be fundamental to carrying out the task; in order to proceed, we must rationalize. So, it is important to me to complete the journey with you – not that it is particularly unpleasant. If we can lie to ourselves then we must be capable of lying to others. Not that this is erroneous or naughty – it simply is the case.

Are you happy?

We have looked at how much hate can be generated and the effort hate requires to maintain. I am not talking about ignorance or prejudice – that is just lack of information or self interest on the part of the individual. If we can live without hate (and this is a leap) are we so far removed from the human condition as to be considered Enlightened? I mean really free of hate. Enlightenment is not something that is far away; neither is it mystical, nor is it complicated to understand.

Perhaps what is understood by enlightenment is also part of the reason why it appears so difficult to comprehend. You can only be concerned with your own enlightenment, and only you, can realise that state. It is even difficult to conclude that enlightenment is the same for all individuals. I suggest, it cannot be even vaguely similar from person to person; and is difficult therefore to consider it a state of mind or way of thinking. Is enlightenment a gradual process, or a sudden realisation?

Whilst it is fine for one meditant, (tricky that; one who meditates – both meditator and meditant have red wiggly lines under them, clearly displeasing the god of spellchecking – I believe the meaning is inherent for both words. Meditant sounds somehow more real – and anyway; I command you to use it) to say to another, you appear enlightened; because there is no parameter of enlightenment by which to judge, the only real consideration on the matter is the consideration of the enlightened being.

That is you.

What does enlightenment mean? That’s a real question. The term was applied to a cultural revolution of the 18th Century by many of Europe’s finest thinkers. Secularly it is applied to a full understanding of a particular issue. Spiritually it is also linked to a full understanding; but a full understanding of everything. The eureka moment, if you will. Will there be a defining moment when the enlightened considers themselves enlightened? Or will they slowly realise their understanding is complete to the point of being enlightened?

‘But by reading them again and again finally I was able to grasp the essential part. What emotion, enthusiasm, enlightenment and confidence they communicated to me! I wept for joy.’ -(Ho Chi Min)

That seems to be fairly indicative of a gradual learning process but there would also appear to be a quick passing of knowledge direct from master to student that is referred to in Zen philosophy.

The first patriarch of Zen the Bodhidharma is believed to have said (Somewhere in the 4-6th Century AD);

‘A special transmission outside the scriptures, no dependence upon words and letters;
Direct pointing to the soul of man: Seeing into one’s own nature and attainment of Buddhahood’

I think I appreciate Zen thinking a little more than other quasi-religious spheres because there is room for the removal of deity from the question. There is also room within for the allowance of deity – no real insistence on one, room for believing that what we do, we do for god and what we are; we owe to god, or not. That’s got to be a good place to start from a believer point of view also, seek enlightenment and also seek your evidence of a controller of the cosmos. Perhaps Yoda will reveal himself to you and offer a direct transfer of knowledge to enlighten your being.

Perhaps strength of faith represents that – just that. There are some adherents to the majority of mainstream faiths, that reach a kind of calm release of worry and stress through belief in that system; and the surety of the plan of (a)god(s).

Is this right or wrong?

Well, I don't know but suspect, it is neither right nor wrong – I suspect there may be no such thing. I think you can seek enlightenment through Jesus, Allah, Yoda or whatever you like to call it. I also think it is possible from a purely humanistic position or consideration also. So it is a topic that is valid and appropriate here.

It shouldn't have be two years until the next post; in the meantime(whatever that means) stop yourself once in a while and have a good look around. It is all there, because you are there, to see that it is there; don’t waste it. Each minute is worth a priceless gem.

There is a beautiful collection of works by a Rinzai sect monk and Zen master, Takuan Soho entitled; ‘Immovable Wisdom: the art of Zen strategy’; compiled by Nobuko Hirose. Go on, take a look – it isn’t a bible nor is it the word of god; I do challenge you to take nothing from it (ah, you will see what I did there after reading it).

Mr Pat

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